Welcome to the Wrapworks® Contractor Portal!

Wrapworks® is customized to allow you to quickly enroll in your CIP program and manage all of your current projects.

You can:
  • Enter Monthly Payroll
  • Upload your Non-CIP COIs
  • Upload your Declaration & Rate Pages
  • Enter Project Close Out
  • View your Subcontractor's CIP account
  • View Non-Compliant Items
Login to get started!

If you need assistance, please click here.

New User Registration

A minimum of 15 Characters should be used for setting up the password, having combination of alphabets (upper and lower case), numbers and special characters.
Password cannot include your User Name.
Password will expire every 365 days.

The password should contain at least three of the below combinations:
At least 1 uppercase alphabet
At least 1 lowercase alphabet
At least 1 number (0-9)
At least 1 special character (!, #, $)

Vertafore, Inc. © 2024